Thursday, November 26, 2009

Weigh in 3 - 182 - 1.5 lbs

So I'm kinda mad at this weigh in. I did excellent all week and I actually weighed in at 181.5 yesterday morning. But we ate at my husbands mom's house so late last night it screwed up my weigh in this morning. But I'm not going to cheat on my weigh in. I was 182 this morning and I'm going to go with it.

It's Thanksgiving and I'm a little nervous about all the food I'll be eating today. I guess we'll see how we do. Saturday is Hunter's party. That's another thing I have as a huge obstacle. But really, if I can do reasonably good for those two things. I'll be good for another three weeks.

Friday, November 20, 2009

182? ..... Really?

So I weighed myself this morning and some how I manged to drop a pound and a half in one day. I'm not complaining but I wonder if my metabolism has finally sped up. I ate 1400 calories yesterday and did my normal exercise. No changes. I guess it helps that, this time, I'm trying to eat veggies at least once a day. This is actually really good news with all the special events coming up. It will motivate me to keep it up and stay within my limits. Hopefully my weigh in next Thursday will be super awesome.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Weigh In Week 2 - 183.5 - 3lbs

Today is Thursday. That means weigh in day. I'm 183.5. I've been keeping up with my exercise plan. One hour every day. I had to miss yesterday and Sunday just because my schedule was so crazy. I managed to lose 3 pounds this week. That means I've lost 5 pounds total in two weeks. I'm feeling a lot better. I don't want to sleep nearly as much. It's helping that I'm writing down my calories. I've actually forced myself to eat more at dinner just to get up to my calorie range.

Next week is a tough week. I have Hunter's dinner at Yokohama's with my mom Sunday. Wed we have dinner with his mom. I asked to just have a giant salad made since they are having London broil. Thanksgiving is going to be the hardest. Everyone is going to want me to taste everything. I just have to remember to keep my veggie count high and my stuffing/rolls/and pie count low. Turkey is actually pretty good for you so I'm not too worried about that. I might have a Kashi bar in the morning just to save all my calories. Weigh in will actually be on Thanksgiving so we'll see how I do. Here's my weigh in below.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Negative food?

I've been reading a lot about foods that produce negative calories. I know you're thinking how the hell can food have negative calories? Well the theory is that the food has such a low calorie count and it takes more calories just to digest it that it results in you actually burning calories by eating the food. I'm not sure what I think about that. The two that make a lot of sense to me are lettuce and cucumbers.

However, if you think about it, if you ate pounds and pounds of cucumbers I guarantee that you would gain weight. You would be really sick as well. Here is the list of possible negative foods. Just remember this is without the butter or sugar added in addition to the food in its natural state.


Mandarin orange
Melon Canteloupe
Honeydew Melon

Monday, November 16, 2009

Diet Recipe- True Lemon Sweetness

This recipe is for anyone that doesn't like water. If you been on a diet enough times you learn to hate it and anything is better than plain water. I got this idea from my brother Kris whom is trying to lose weight and get fit to go to the Police Academy.

1 packet Truvia
1 8-16oz glass of water
1 packet of True Lemon (Optional: use Lime or Orange flavor instead)

Mix it up and there you go. It's way better than plain water and there is nothing in it that can mess you up.

Calories 0
Carbs 0
Fat 0
Sugar 0

Starting out 188.5

Well, I should start out by saying I've had weight loss issues since I started taking birth control pills senior year of high school. I was a slim 140 lbs back then. I was also involved in three sports. I hit college and without the sports and the pills added the pounds started packing on. I managed to always keep myself under 190. That's the one good thing. I also have an hourglass shape so when i gain weight I hide it very well. I can really say I've been lucky.

I've fluctuated between 140 and 190 for the last 9-10 years and quite frankly I'm tired of it. I somehow managed to get an amature modeling deal and I've been doing that for fun. It keeps me honest when eating. Well, I had myself at around 170 in July. I was looking pretty good. (I have a lot of muscle from sports so that helps pack on the weight too) Well I weighed myself a week ago and i was 188.5. I was like.. Oh no, this is stopping right now. I know I have some other friends that are trying to lose too so I thought maybe this blog could help them out and we could motivate each other.

I started doing 1 full hour of exercise everyday. It's definitely working. I'm also eating more than any other diet I've had. I'm trying to stay between 1200-2000 calories. I think I wasn't eating enough in my other diets and my body just shut down the weight loss button. I kept plateauing.

I think the plan is working so far. I'm writing out what I each and tracking calories. I weighted myself last Thursday and my new weigh in weight was 186.5. My first week I lost 2lbs. I did really well this weekend and even after cheating and having a couple of oreos (that i shouldn't have had) I still only weight 185.5 as of this morning.

I'm going to blog every week. Encouragement is appreciated. Expect blogs every Thursday with a weigh in.