Thursday, November 19, 2009

Weigh In Week 2 - 183.5 - 3lbs

Today is Thursday. That means weigh in day. I'm 183.5. I've been keeping up with my exercise plan. One hour every day. I had to miss yesterday and Sunday just because my schedule was so crazy. I managed to lose 3 pounds this week. That means I've lost 5 pounds total in two weeks. I'm feeling a lot better. I don't want to sleep nearly as much. It's helping that I'm writing down my calories. I've actually forced myself to eat more at dinner just to get up to my calorie range.

Next week is a tough week. I have Hunter's dinner at Yokohama's with my mom Sunday. Wed we have dinner with his mom. I asked to just have a giant salad made since they are having London broil. Thanksgiving is going to be the hardest. Everyone is going to want me to taste everything. I just have to remember to keep my veggie count high and my stuffing/rolls/and pie count low. Turkey is actually pretty good for you so I'm not too worried about that. I might have a Kashi bar in the morning just to save all my calories. Weigh in will actually be on Thanksgiving so we'll see how I do. Here's my weigh in below.

1 comment:

  1. 221.8, for a loss of 5.4 since sunday night, alot of that being water weight and I had a big dinner on sunday.
