Monday, November 16, 2009

Starting out 188.5

Well, I should start out by saying I've had weight loss issues since I started taking birth control pills senior year of high school. I was a slim 140 lbs back then. I was also involved in three sports. I hit college and without the sports and the pills added the pounds started packing on. I managed to always keep myself under 190. That's the one good thing. I also have an hourglass shape so when i gain weight I hide it very well. I can really say I've been lucky.

I've fluctuated between 140 and 190 for the last 9-10 years and quite frankly I'm tired of it. I somehow managed to get an amature modeling deal and I've been doing that for fun. It keeps me honest when eating. Well, I had myself at around 170 in July. I was looking pretty good. (I have a lot of muscle from sports so that helps pack on the weight too) Well I weighed myself a week ago and i was 188.5. I was like.. Oh no, this is stopping right now. I know I have some other friends that are trying to lose too so I thought maybe this blog could help them out and we could motivate each other.

I started doing 1 full hour of exercise everyday. It's definitely working. I'm also eating more than any other diet I've had. I'm trying to stay between 1200-2000 calories. I think I wasn't eating enough in my other diets and my body just shut down the weight loss button. I kept plateauing.

I think the plan is working so far. I'm writing out what I each and tracking calories. I weighted myself last Thursday and my new weigh in weight was 186.5. My first week I lost 2lbs. I did really well this weekend and even after cheating and having a couple of oreos (that i shouldn't have had) I still only weight 185.5 as of this morning.

I'm going to blog every week. Encouragement is appreciated. Expect blogs every Thursday with a weigh in.

1 comment:

  1. Just for comparison, im at 227.2 as of last night, so says Wiifit. I gotta really get my ass in gear for space camp.

    I plan to do a good hour to hour and a half of wiifit, and if i didnt just realize the dog ate through my tire, i'd ride my bike to work tomorrow, gonna have to wait a day for to start that up again.

    And i gotta start actually sticking to the nutrisystem. No more chik-fil-a or soda (even tough its sooooo tasty)
