Friday, January 29, 2010

End of the week/month January 179.5

Well I did it. In one month I managed to drop from 193.5 to 179.5. I actually hit 179.5 yesterday. I was right between 179 and 179.5 this morning but I always round up when that happens. Usually that means I'll hit the lower amount the next day anyway.

After a month of working out and eating correctly, I'm sitting here writting to you in not size 12 jeans but size 10. I just get into them, but for me, that's good enough. It's incentive to bust out more weight so they are loose. 14 pounds in one month isn't too shabby.

The first two weeks was when I lost the majority of the weight which I've been told is water weight. I'm losing around 2-3 pounds a week now which is the recommended amount to keep the weight off. I'm actually ok with that. I keep up this pace and I'll see the bottom of the 170s in no time. I feel so good today. My tshirts fit without that bulge in the front and my butt actually looks toned. I have nothing planned this weekend that would entail me eating unnecessary food so I might have my first weekend that I lose weight.

Here are my charts.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Changing it up seems to have worked -180

I went home last night after work and had my turkey burger and some veggies. I felt really full after dinner and was concerned that maybe I had eatten too much or had screwed up my calories somehow. I recounted and recounted and I kept coming up with somewhere between 1200-1300 calories which is perfect. I got on the scale (which i shouldn't have done after I just ate) and it said 184. I was like OMG WTF how did I gain weight. So I did my other work out video by Jillian Michaels (the toning one) since I've been doing the metabolism one since the start. I was hoping changing it up might help.
I finished the work out and I wasn't sweating my brains out so I got a little concerned. I felt so guilty that I got on the eliptical and walked for 20 minutes. After doing all that I realized I drank an extra pound of water today and maybe that was why my weight seemed a little off. Before I went to bed I was 182. What a relief. I woke up to 180!!! I don't know if it was the veggies, the extra water, or the small change in my routine but something worked. I'm starting to notice my skin is a lot smoother. Maybe its from all the water I'm drinking. Maybe the exercise is tightening everything up. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll be in the 170's soon. I think I'm going to do my metabolism video tonight and then the eliptical to see if I can bust out even more weight. I just want to see 170's so bad. Maybe I'll even do two days of exercise this weekend. Last weekend I only worked out one day and I did a little better than the weekend before. It's incouraging to see it all start to melt off. Yay for 13.5 pounds.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Slowing down still 181.5

Well I managed to keep my weight at 181.5. If you look at where I was exactly a week ago I'm 3 pounds lighter. However, I can feel the weight not come off as fast. I was thinking it might be a good idea to change up my routine a little or just add to it. Maybe I'm just being impatient. If I don't lose any weight by tomorrow then I might have to start adding exercise. I'm already working out an hour everyday. One thing I can say is my waistline is way smaller. I washed my jeans the other day dreading getting back into them and they totally fit. I just have to remember its only been since Jan 4 that I went down from 193.5 to 181.5. That's still 12 pounds in 22 days. I'm actually looking forward to dinner tonight. We're doing burgers which means I get my awesome turkey burgers. They put some really awesome spices in them and I think they taste better than regular burgers. I'll try to make sure I do a veggie tonight too. I didn't have any yesterday and I really should have.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Still losing

I made it through my mom's birthday last week. I made her cake for her so I used "fake" eggs and reduced sugar icing. I couldn't believe no one could taste the difference. I also had cashew chicken that night fairly late. I did put on about 2 lbs but I got rid of it almost immediately. Then I started losing weight again. I'm 181.5. I lost 2 pound since last Friday. That means I'm the lowest I've been since I started my blog. From my max Dec weight I've lost 12 pounds. My jeans are starting to feel lose. Its awesome. My jeans were at the point of really uncomfortable when I was up as high as I was. My next goal is to get into the 170s and then 175. After that my goal will be to get to my smallest weight last year which was 171.5-170. That's about 10 pounds away. I should be rockin by summer. I didn't start losing weight until May last year. I'm way ahead of schedule. I saw my first bathing suits in target yesterday. Instead of crying about how I could never fit into them... I was like... you know what, maybe this year I'll buy a new one.

Here is my weight loss graph so far.

Friday, January 15, 2010

First 10 in 10 days

Well as of this morning I lost my first 10 pounds of my do over diet. Only 1.5 lbs til the lowest point of my last diet when I stopped blogging. We went to the japanese retaurant today to celebrate. I got some sushi I wouldn't normally eat on my diet but I wanted to reward myself for losing the weight so fast. I made sure I did all my exercises tonight so hopefully I stay the same weight. Right now I'm 183.5. I have my mom's birthday on Sunday so cake is coming. Hopefully I can keep myself in check.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pleasantly Surprised

Well I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I realized I have lost 9.5 pounds already. I actually have 2 more pounds til I hit the end of my Nov diet.. but I feel so much better about this. The momentum is awesome. I lost a pound and a half since yesterday. The weight is still falling off. This time I am weighing myself everyday to make sure I stay on track. I'm eatting way more fruit and veggies and I exercise everyday for an hour which I think is what is pushing the weight off the fastest. I'm making sure my calories are just over 1200. I'm actually doing so well there are times that I'm not hungry and I'll grab a couple of crackers to just up the calories. My pants fit again. I'm comfortable in them. Right now I'm size 12. I know I need to get into the low 170s to 160s to get into my 10s. But my first goal is 183.5 and I'm almost there. Probably by tomorrow would be my guess. My next goal would be 178.5. I know the 170s have been a tough weight/plateau area for me so I'm going to lower my goals a bit until I get out of them so I don't get disappointed.

I have my mom's birthday on Sunday. But I was asked to make the cake. So I'm making it with what I refer to as "fake eggs" and I found Reduced sugar icing. The icing is still bad for you but reducing some of the calorie intake will help a little since I know I'm going to have to eat a slice.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Apple a Day?

I found an interesting article on the benefits of apples. You know the saying an apple a day... right? Well it turns out it's pretty true. I've always incorporated apples into my diets. It seems to work pretty well. If you want to look at the article it's

But in summary apples are good for:
Bone Protection
Asthma Help
Alzheimer's Prevention
Lower Cholesterol
Lung Cancer Prevention
Breast Cancer Prevention
Colon Cancer Prevention
Liver Cancer Prevention
Diabetes Management
Weight Loss

Check out the article for more info

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Exercise exercise exercise FTW

I started exercising again last night. Honestly, I thought I was going to die. But I finished the video and I'm happy I did. I saw the 180s again today. 189! I did the video again tonight and it was a lot easier. I also felt a lot less tired today. Tomorrow I'll be working from home so I'm hoping I can keep up the good work. We should be getting a bit of a snow day tomorrow and I'll probably be shoveling so I'll get a little extra workout which will be good. Hopefully I'll hit 188 tomorrow. We'll see.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Epic Holiday Fail

So I did the god aweful thing of gaining a ton of weight over the holidays. And when I say a ton I mean I weighed in at 193.5 on Monday. The good news is I caught it and I'm starting all over again. I'm already down to 190.5 and it's only Wednesday. I start exercising tonight so hopefully I'll have another pound by tomorrow. Holidays are always so tough. I just let it all go. Soooo ROUND TWO ... FIGHT!!!!