Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Changing it up seems to have worked -180

I went home last night after work and had my turkey burger and some veggies. I felt really full after dinner and was concerned that maybe I had eatten too much or had screwed up my calories somehow. I recounted and recounted and I kept coming up with somewhere between 1200-1300 calories which is perfect. I got on the scale (which i shouldn't have done after I just ate) and it said 184. I was like OMG WTF how did I gain weight. So I did my other work out video by Jillian Michaels (the toning one) since I've been doing the metabolism one since the start. I was hoping changing it up might help.
I finished the work out and I wasn't sweating my brains out so I got a little concerned. I felt so guilty that I got on the eliptical and walked for 20 minutes. After doing all that I realized I drank an extra pound of water today and maybe that was why my weight seemed a little off. Before I went to bed I was 182. What a relief. I woke up to 180!!! I don't know if it was the veggies, the extra water, or the small change in my routine but something worked. I'm starting to notice my skin is a lot smoother. Maybe its from all the water I'm drinking. Maybe the exercise is tightening everything up. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll be in the 170's soon. I think I'm going to do my metabolism video tonight and then the eliptical to see if I can bust out even more weight. I just want to see 170's so bad. Maybe I'll even do two days of exercise this weekend. Last weekend I only worked out one day and I did a little better than the weekend before. It's incouraging to see it all start to melt off. Yay for 13.5 pounds.

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