Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Feb 19 - 171.5 - (22lbs)

OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. I lost 22 pounds! I have one pound til my lowest weight all last year. I feel awesome. Now I have crazy incentive to do excellent this weekend. I have a feeling I'm going to hit my goal by the end of next week. I know I can do it now. The nice thing is I'm not hungry, I'm not rollercoastering, I'm hitting all my goals, pants fit, I'm not getting muscle craps like I did every other diet I've had, and I'm losing consistantly. If I'm this low already I wonder how long it will take me to get to the low 160s. I haven't seen 163 since Sept of 2008. I gotta keep going. I think my optimal weight is 150. I know how much better I look now. I can't even imagine if I managed to lose another 10 to 20. My birthday is next week. I can't believe it took me 29 years to learn how to diet and exercise correctly. I guess it's better than never figuring it out.

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