Monday, February 1, 2010

Hello February, Hello 179

Well today is Feb 1. I had a decent weekend. My goal was to try not to gain any weight this weekend. The last two weekends I seemed to have an issue with that. I only nudged up a half pound yesterday but I could tell I was having some belly issues. I ate properly and only did 30 minutes of exercise the whole weekend. I didn't drink enough water though. That was obvious. I need to be more careful of that. Especially with it being so dry out, my skin is even dry.

I was happy to see that my weight was 179 this morning. Its a good start and it means I lost 3 pounds since last Monday. If I can keep the pace I might lose another pound or two by Friday. That would be really awesome. Valentine's day is coming up and I want to try to look the best I can.

I decided I would cook a meal in instead of out so I can control portion sizes. I have a few ideas for low fat/low cal french toast, lobster for dinner, and strawberries for dessert. I use truvia and cinnamon for my french toast with wheat bread and lower cal syrup. Lobster is actually good for you, the problem is how much butter you put on it. I'm probably also going to use dark chocolate for my strawberries. I'll probably only have two. Dark chocolate has benefits of its own, but everything in moderation.

I even bought my husband sugarfree chocolates. He has diabetes so it still gives him the opportunity to have some without completely missing out. Yeah sure, he can only have two but its better than nothing.

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