Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thur Feb 4- 177 (16.5lbs)

Amazingly I'm still losing weight at a constant rate. I can't believe I'm almost to 175. 16.5 pounds is amazing to me in such a short amount of time. It looks as though I'm still losing about 3 pounds a week.

I've been switching up my Jillian Michael videos and doing 30 minutes on the eliptical everyday. Last night was the first night I did the metabolism video and I didn't feel like I was going to die during set 6. I did really well until the standing ab crunches at set 7. My waist is fact everything is shrinking.

Interesting weekend coming up. We're in for a snowstorm Friday into Saturday. Then the superbowl is Sunday. Dad is making meatballs. I asked him to get some healthy snacks like fruit and veggies so I can try to not cheat. If I can make it through this superbowl weekend I can make it through anything.I guess I'll have to make sure I do my elliptical this weekend both Saturday and Sunday.

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